Migraine seems to be caused by a combination of environmental and genetic factors. Prodromal symptomatology (mood changes, yawning, drowsiness, food craving), accompanying symptoms (nausea, vomiting, hypotension) and postdromal symptoms (mood changes, yawning, drowsiness, tiredness) may be related to dopaminergic activation.There are various nonspecific dopamine D 2 receptor antagonists that show good clinical efficacy in migraine, and also a number of polymorphisms of dopaminergic genes related to migraine.
Types of migraine :
The most common types of migraine are classic migraine (migraine with aura) and common migraine (migraine without aura). Other types of migraine include aura without headache and abdominal migraine.Treatments for Migraine:
A comparison of the effectiveness and safety of all available migraine drugs, over all stages of migraine severity, would benefit family physicians. As long as these data are unavailable, guidelines will have little to offer. As long as new drugs are not tested before they are introduced in studies that compare their therapeutic value in the practical settings in which patients are usually treated.