
Asthma is the most common chronic childhood disease. A Bronchial tubes consists of the Muscle layer, The Mucous membrane and a thin Mucus layer, Which is produced by the mucous membrane.The airways narrow, the patient receives only bad air and the feeling that an elephant standing on his chest. These reactions are making irreversible. However, support a mediator substances chronic irritation and Inflammation of the mucous membrane and thereby increasing sensitivity of the bronchi. In the long run, always lead to lower amounts of a trigger an asthma reaction. The tendency of the bronchial system to be hypersensitive, is not hereditary and therefore incurable. The same applies to the facility, with a chronic inflammation of the bronchial response to trigger stimuli.

Treatments For Asthma:

Effective treatments for asthma in childhood and adulthood have been defined in international standard treatment plans and have been proven for many years.Talk to your doctor about the appropriate protective anti-inflammatory therapy. Despite a good and effective protection therapy, there may be situations where it is yet to asthma symptoms, for example, where many meet particular trigger a severe infection exists. Then it is necessary to get the narrowed bronchi to quickly free again. Also for this situation are effective and side effect medications available.Often it is in everyday practice, however, not possible to find sufficiently long time for talks to resolve all questions fully and the use of all drugs and therapeutic tools to practice often enough. Therefore have, certainly in the vicinity of your residence, asthma specialists (doctors, psychologists, physiotherapists and sports therapists and others together lead) and Asthma Training by children and their families. Maybe even your pediatrician has with his team on such courses.